
WOMAD's line up the hottest ever

The world’s festival, WOMAD, will be welcoming an eclectic mix of talent, from legends to unknowns spanning every genre, to the picturesque landscape of Wiltshire’s Charlton Park from Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 July 2024.

Sampa The Great by Imraan Christian

Artists announced for 2024 include the highly anticipated WOMAD debut from progressive hip-hop trio Young Fathers [UK]. Their upcoming performance is sure to provide a live commentary to our confused and chaotic times, as is that of Sampa The Great [Zambia], regarded as one of southern Africa’s greatest hip hop heroes, who will be bringing her unique blend of electronica, gospel, neo-soul, jazz and Zamrock for the very first time.  

Joining them at the World’s biggest party is festival electronic trailblazer and dance icon Alison Goldfrapp [UK] who will be showcasing her recent debut solo album, The Love Invention, her self-confessed “tribute to the dancefloor.” Musical legends Amadou and Mariam [Mali] who are amongst the world’s finest musical ambassadors with their signature swinging blues will make a timely return this year along with the musical powerhouse Baaba Maal [Senegal], whose commanding vocals and timeless body of work have put him at the top of the Senegalese musical tree.  


Also making a triumphant return are legendary gypsy punks Gogol Bordello [USA], who still know how to cause a musical riot with their intoxicating and feverish performances and hip-hop crew DAM [Palestine] who live in the mixed Israeli cities of Lydda and Haifa, fusing traditional Middle Eastern sounds, the rhythm and intonation of Arabic-language rap and an unmistakeably hip-hop attitude, and kicking off the festival on the Thursday night will be Sicily-born reggae superstar Alborosie [Italy] who will absolutely get the party started.

DJ Paulette has consistently broken the mould as a female DJ, trailblazing the way for others, from ruling the Hacienda in the early ’90s to touring the globe many times, she is a true icon. 

Joining them will be the varied musical talents of singer and composer Sid Sriram [India / USA], who combines Indie and R&B with his native Carnatic music, forming the unique sound he is known so well for. Another exciting announcement is that Ghana Special [Ghana] will be performing, including an all-star line-up and some bona-fide highlife legends; Pat Thomas, Kwashibu Area Band, Charles Amoah and K.O.G, they’re sure to showcase the rich sounds of this corner of West Africa.\-IeBRK

WOMAD is not just about incredible music; it has an abundance of activity; the World of Words, celebrates all things spoken; fascinating talks, thought provoking conversation and inspirational authors, and the Hip Yak Poetry Shack will have some of the best-spoken word artists in the country. There will be mind-expanding talks, experiments, and performances at the Physics Pavilion; pampering and tranquility at the World of Wellbeing and luxury at the WOMAD Spa, an oasis of calm with wood-fired hot-tubs, and all-day yoga. And some of the weekend’s performers will get the chance to show off their culinary credentials in the legendary and unique Taste the World stage.  

On top of that, festivalgoers have the unique opportunity to learn from experts and get involved with a whole array of workshops; from taking dance lessons to picking up a musical instrument from the other side of the globe. And at the World of Children there are more child-friendly activities and workshops than at any other festival, this year’s theme is Superheroes, the culmination of which is the now-legendary Sunday afternoon parade across the festival site. All children 13 years and under are free.

WOMAD sunset - Credit Garry Jones