
Tree To Be

Reforesting deserts may be the key to reversing the decline of civilisation

Beyond The Climate Debate

We are now moving far beyond the current 'Climate of Fear' to one of inspiration where the world's poorest wisely feed, water and cool us all while also restoring the climate. Is tree planting the key?

Trees Restore Climate

Science shows we can all make 100 times more difference on climate regulation than previously - and in much less time. An empowering way for each of us to make a real difference in years, not decades has now emerged. A new scientific understanding of our current situation has crystallised. It was forged by merging two decades of carbon sequestration experience with the latest leading climate science. 

By seeing the true role of Earth's forests as a thermostat for local and global climate, the removal of over 45% of all trees is shown as a root cause of the recent disruption to the three main natural cycles; water, heat and carbon. Given the extreme imbalance which has resulted in 2 billion hectares of degraded land, by simply replanting trees using well tried methods on three continents, each of us can very easily and quickly help nature into natural regeneration.

For an environment and climate to remain suitable for human life, it is necessary to restore natural forests on the major part of the land area

- Victor G. Gorshkov and Anastassia M. Makarieva