Aidan Andrew Dun

Aidan Andrew Dun, aka Poet of Kings Cross, is a man with visions for the future of London that could be just the remedy for a city of crumbling souls.' (Vice Magazine) Before the corporate 'regeneration' of Kings Cross AAD imagined a zone of transcultural celebration (and interfaith) with dance, music and poetry at the heart of the world's most multi-ethnic city. His psychogeographical epic poem, Vale Royal, launched at the Royal Albert Hall in 1995, expresses that dream in 700 triads; while a single triad (from another long poem, The Brill) graffiti'd by the poet on a wall in Battle Bridge NW1 is now carved in stone across one side of Granary Square, London's newest open space. But will the sun ever shine on AAD's Blakean visions of a Glad Day? Will we ever see transcultural dancefloors at the heart of future London? Time will tell - but the time seems right!