"Themes I explore involve the human psyche- who we are and how we interact with each other, including our relationship with other animals and the natural world."
"My work stems from two loves - Psychology and Art. With Surrealism being the grand marriage of the two, I was naturally drawn to every aspect behind the movement. Using images conceived from dreams and free association that I catalog in several sketchbooks, I stitch together whole series from countless thumbnail sketches. Themes I explore involve the human psyche- who we are and how we interact with each other, including our relationship with other animals and the natural world." www.AmyGuidry.com
SynergyFleeting- acrylic on canvas, 11"w x 14"h"
Mother Nature- acrylic on canvas, 6" x 6""
Freedom- acrylic on canvas, 48"w x 24"h"
Everything's Coming Up Roses- acrylic on canvas, 40"w x 30"h"