
Russell Brand on Katie Hopkins (The Trews E302)

"Once we kill the compassion in ourselves, we are all then cockroaches, waiting for the apocalypse, and it can’t come quickly enough." 

"The only option is to treat her compassionately, we can’t look at her the way she looks at immigrants, as some sort of weird, disgusting cockroach thing that’s dispensable and should be crushed. "What we should do is be really loving to her because anyone who talks like that is in pain," Brand said. "We’re in a sick society in which there’s a huge deficit of love." "A notable psychological and ideological compatriot of Katie Hopkins is Himmler – remember, from the Nazis? He said that Jews are bed bugs and rats and it was the duty of mankind to extinguish them... And when Katie Hopkins says we should have gunboats repelling immigrants she is expressing a comparable mentality." "Katie, please. Come back to humanity ... I don’t think there’s any point in condemning her, or trying to silence her, or anything. I think just acknowledge that that is a mentality. Not only that, it’s not an extremist one if you take policy. It’s just someone describing what’s happening. It’s not her fault at all, she’s just the pus emerging from the pimple of our policy." "If compassion is not a component, then there’s no humanity left to save. Once we kill the compassion in ourselves, we are all then cockroaches, waiting for the apocalypse, and it can’t come quickly enough. "What you can do is find your own humanity, look for the humanity and connection you feel for other people and be kind." In this episode of The Trews I talk about the tragedy of migrants dying at sea as they attempt to journey to Europe, and Katie Hopkins' recent column in The Sun which compared them to cockroaches. Sign the petition to remove Katie Hopkins as a columnist. 

In this episode of The Trews I discuss the need for change which is the theme of mine and Michael Winterbottom's film The Emperor's New Clothes. To request a screening go to: To watch it online go to: