
Calling All Women

Global women’s reforestation network calls in 10,000 women

This Earth Day (April 22nd), global women-led reforestation movement, TreeSisters, launched a month long, global campaign calling in 10,000 women to take action to restore our world. TreeSisters has so far planted over 4 million trees through the love and generosity of members and aims to double that impact by the end of 2019.\_VZLRxfUI

Never before has the urgency for environmental restoration been so high. With thousands of young activists taking to the world’s streets as part of the #ClimateStrike movement, energy to take action on behalf of the Earth is rising.

TreeSisters has heard the call of our youth to restore their future. That is why women around the world are gathering to take thousands of actions to restore, regenerate and repair the earth! The message is about care, love and connection. Restoration is reverence for nature. It is understanding that we cannot live out of balance with the natural world. If we take, we have to give back. Restoration is about care. It’s about ensuring that those who inherit our world have all that they need to be safe and thrive.

Pollyanna Darling, spokesperson for TreeSisters, said, “We can’t just stand by whilst our children are demanding çlimate justice. We can turn our love for them into action for the restoration of our world - for their future. We’re inviting women around the world to join us in this restorative action. Everyone can make a difference.”

Find out more about the Calling All Women campaign here and be a part of the solution:

TreeSisters is a women-led reforestation revolution and a UK registered charity. They have so far funded the planting of over 4 million trees in the tropics, thanks to donors from all over the world.

Find out more about their mission here: