Small-scale farmers can build soil, reverse climate change and protect ecosystems
“Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet.” A 17-minute documentary highlighting the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture. By bypassing corporations communities become empowered, healthy and resilient - food is the key. [caption id="attachment_8752" align="aligncenter" width="628"]
TO GO WITH AFP STORY "Lifestyle-China-farm-food-health,FEATURE" by Fran Wang A Chinese farmer tends to the crops at Ji Yunliang's organic farm in the outskirt of Beijing on June 7, 2010. Ji Yunliang worked as a missile researcher at a large state-owned enterprise and later earned a doctorate in chemistry at a prestigious Beijing university -- now, he is running a small, organic farm. In a country hit by a series of food safety scandals, the interest in organic produce is growing fast. AFP PHOTO/OLLI GEIBEL (Photo credit should read OLLI GEIBEL/AFP/Getty Images)[/caption] Diverse, organic farming systems actually suck carbon out of the atmosphere and build up the soil. This is the exact opposite of industrial agriculture that burns fossil fuels in machines while destroying soil - releasing even more carbon. Also, stopping using fossil fuel inputs means fewer machines which means more human-scale jobs. Growing bountiful produce, by hand, in beautiful gardens, outside, with teams of friends is great work if you can get it - by switching globally to regenerative organic agriculture we can create millions of meaningful and skillful jobs for a new generation of farmer who nurtures the earth while working together to protect ecological systems and reverse climate change.
UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way To Feed The World
Thinking differently about how we grow food creates a world of opportunity