
How to garden on a shoestring, whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions this Summer

Working with soil - you can give your plants a boost whilst also taking climate action!

Summer is here, and we want to show those gardens off, whether that be our lawns, plant pots, flower beds or vegetables, now is the time.

If you're looking for a product that not only is good for your plants, soil and more and is sustainable and good for our planet, then look no further!

Carbon Gold is the ideal product.

Founded in 2007 by Craig Sams, founder of Green & Blacks Chocolate and Whole Earth, the shared vision today is to create a sustainable future for our planet by improving plant health and sequestering carbon. As the leading Biochar company, Carbon Gold is committed to improving soil health, plant health and human health, free from synthetic chemicals to ensure soil health is restored.

You don’t have to have a large garden to be able to benefit from Carbon Golds wonderful products, simply using soil additives and learning to take care of your houseplants can help to save money and improve growth.

Soil Improver: Carbon Gold Soil Improver is perfect for anyone wanting resilient and productive vegetables, fruit, flowers, and plants by increasing the organic matter in your soil, as well as in flower beds, it can also be used as a soil improver for vegetables or even could be added to your home compost bin.

Improving your soil’s health does not have to be an expensive process, with Carbon Gold’s 1 Litre soil improver pots selling for only £9.99. Using a biochar will considerably reduce the watering requirements and therefore save money on your water bill, taking steps to improve the environment whilst remaining savvy.

Did you know...

  • UK soil holds an estimated 9,8 billion Tonnes of carbon
  • Biochar: 3kg of carbon dioxide is permanently sequestered for every 1kg that is put n the ground, which reduces greenhouse gases.
  • Organic farming also plays a significant part in storing carbon, which means less is released into the atmosphere, helping to save our treasured planet
  • Did you know Soil has a microbiome, just like the gut?
  • It’s also home to the world’s greatest biodiversity and a combination of bacteria and fungi.
  • Biochar not only supports the soil microbiome, but it helps retain water and stick to minerals and nutrients in the soil, ensuring your soil is a living mass and full of vitality!
  • Biochar itself sequesters (locks) carbon into the soil, reducing the CO² levels that would otherwise be released into our atmosphere - helping the planet, one garden at a time!

Top Tips when using Carbon Gold Soil Improver, Lawn Improver & Tree Soil Improver:

  • If you are starting new beds, you can dig it into the topsoil in your garden and raised beds at a rate of 1kg per m2. Our soil improver can be purchased in sizes ranging from 1L which is perfect for adding to hanging baskets, right up bulk bags of 1000 and 1500L. So, no matter what your requirements we have an option for you!
  • Existing planting areas scatter around the existing plants and then either mulch over the top or alternatively rake over the surface to get the natural biology under the surface of the soil as it reacts to light. · Planting out – our Biochar Biology Blend is easy to use, just dust the roots of the seedlings in the product and plant out. All the natural biology is around the roots of the plants and will get off to the thriving start.
  • Biochar Lawn Improver can be used to patch repair your lawn or for putting under new turf, in the same way as the Soil Improver.
  • For trees putting the Tree Soil Improver in the bottom of the planting hole is the best way to use it. Obviously, the amount you will require will depend on the size of the tree you are planting, so contact us to find out how much you will need.

Climate change is an ever-present reality in our world today, and the timeline for reversing its effect is growing shorter each year. The environmental effects of climate change include Increase in natural disasters, changes in ecosystems and loss of agricultural productivity. Using biochar as a nature-based solution to climate change can help reduce atmospheric CO2 levels, which in turn helps combat global warming.