
Ride Romania

Romania has more wilderness then any other European country. Bears, wolves and lynx roam in ancient woodland

Romania has experienced a challenging history being forever under political and military threat sandwiched between Europe and the sub-continent; and more recently faced with a harsh communist regime for almost 5 decades.

When people think or talk of Romania ones mind often conjures up images of Dracula, gypsies and Ceacescu. These negative traits must end and Romania should be celebrated as having over 50% of all the old & virgin forests left in Europe with healthy populations of wolf, bear and lynx which do much to control deer numbers and help the forest to regenerate. Visit Romania for yourself to witness the magical beauty of Europe’s most unspoilt country!

The European Nature Trust’s purpose is ‘Connecting People to Nature’, through fundraising for its supported projects, and a series of engagement activities, particularly its Conservation Journeys. This is how people can really experience the world class projects we support. One of these is with Foundation Conservation Carpathia, Romania, that’s establishing a brand new national park, the "Făgăraș Mountains National Park", designed to be the Yellowstone of Europe. This is one of the wildest and most pristine areas in the whole of Europe - a global priceless treasure we must protect and conserve. Join us for an incredible journey, with privileged and exclusive access to the local team and hidden natural secrets.