
How to eat less meat - 10 tips

Helping you to live longer, feel better, have more energy whilst radically reducing your ecological footprint

Young beautiful asian woman dancing at sunset, note there is some motion blur

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Michael Pollan

  • Do it with a friend

Changing our diets can be a challenge. There is a surprising amount of cultural pressure around what we eat. Our chances of success are massively increased when we buddy up with a friend, housemate, lover or family member and do it together. See how many days you can go meat free, cook for each other and trade tips and encouragement to keep the process fun and exciting. Together you can take on the challenge - can we cook for a group of friends so that it is just as delicious and satisfying without animal products?  

  • Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people to have one day a week free of meat to improve their health and the health of the planet. This can be a great first step on a journey to a diet low in animal products providing structure, advice and support. The site is not just for vegetarians, it is for people who want to experiment with flavours and vegetables and discover that they can create exciting colourful meals without always relying on meat. Eating meat-free doesn’t have to be dull – so check out their recipes pages for inspiration.  

  • Check out the health benefits

clean-eating-300x300Study after study demonstrates that shifting to a plant-based diet is good for your health. 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Embracing a Plant-Based Diet include:

  • lower blood pressure
  • lower cholesterol
  • better blood sugar (and mood)
  • lower rates of cancer
  • weight loss

Combine your shift in diet with a new workout regime to feel younger, more supple and full of energy.  

  • Discover the joys of beans, pulses and other delicious plant proteins

Hummus and dhal are both tasty, easy to make and convenient to store. Make a batch for the week ahead and have a tasty accompaniment to any meal which provides a solid protein boost without the harmful effects of meat. Additionally, other meat free products that can help include: Linda McCartney Sausages, Quorn mince and tofu. food

  • Experiment with raw food

There is a raw food revolution happening right now and it is about much more than salads. Eating raw is all about activating living foods for maximum energy and health benefits. The added dimension here is soaking and sprouting seeds, nuts, grains, lentils and some beans. When soaked, nuts and seeds are easier to digest. When sprouted they change so that they are many times more nutritious. Once you know about this, why not make these foods central to your diet? [product id="9262"]

  • Check out the environmental damage caused by animal factories

It takes much more land to feed humans with meat then vegetables. Corporations are marketing and selling cheap meat on the back of extensive ecological destruction. Some example horror stories include: cutting down the Amazon rainforest to raise cattle for beef; overfishing to feed factory pigs and eradicating British forests for sheep. If the meat you are buying is not explicitly labelled as organic or ethically produced it may well be part of a horrendous supply chain destroying our planet. If you do not know where it has come from it is always better to go for the meat-free option. cow-deforestation  

  • Mediate and be compassionate

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein Meditation is increasingly recommended to all people as a means to feel better and more aware. In Buddhism, this practice goes alongside efforts to alleviate suffering wherever it appears. By extending who we are compassionate towards we break down concepts of separation in our mind that go hand in hand with our own suffering. When we mindfully swerve buying the ham sandwich for lunch we can embrace feelings of compassion and connectedness. Conversely, mindlessly paying someone else to raise and kill animals under conditions we may find horrible if we looked -  is bad karma dude.   pamanderson-petaad  

  • Veganuary

Veganuary inspires and supports people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January. This is an excellent way to take a break from meat (to benefit your body and the planet) and have a go at a plant-based diet. The website is a veritable treasure trove of tips to help you get through the month meat-free. You will be amazed how different your body feels by the end of it.  

  • Watch this video to see what happens on an industrial pig factory

Supermarkets do whatever they can to market cheap meat as more ethical by disguising where the meat actually comes from. For example, supermarkets make up farms to brand their products despite the fact that the meat actually comes from a factory. The life of animals in factories is so horrendous few of us can actually face the truth. If you eat industrial meat - be brave and watch where it comes from. This may well be the best possible motivation to reduce your meat intake and only ever eat meat from animals that were not tortured.  Farms Not Factories has done incredible work uncovering grotesque, giant pig factories being built in the UK and the new film Swine exposes the shocking risk of antibiotic resistance from pig factories. You can also check out Viva and Peta to get informed about the unpleasant truth of how most meat is brought to market.  

  • Buy this awesome vegan cookbook for loads of great ideas and #cookwithvgang

[product id="9183"] The VGang Cookbook from Ethics & Antics is filled with 37 Simple, delicious Vegan & Gluten Free Recipes!! Featuring dips, sauces, mains, snacks, desserts and drinks all covered