
The Future is Local

Creating what we need locally is a solution-multiplier

Across the world, people are coming to realize that today’s crises — ecological collapse, economic instability, social disintegration, even terrorism — are inextricably linked to a global economy dependent on rampant consumerism, financial speculation and “free” trade. 

But what is the alternative? 

We believe that the answer lies in economic localization: in other words, shortening the distance between producers and consumers by encouraging diversified production for domestic needs, instead of specialized production for export. 

Localization does not mean eliminating international trade, or reducing all economic activity to a village level. It’s about shifting the power from transnational corporations to nation states, while simultaneously building up regional self-reliance. 

Specifically, that means:

  • Using our taxes, subsidies and regulations to support the needs of people and communities, rather than big business.
  • Insisting that banks and businesses be place-based and subject to both genuine democratic control and ecological limits.

Local economies rebuild our connections to one another and to the natural world – connections that are essential not only for our wellbeing, but for our survival.

The Economics of Happiness film FREE short version online

Localization: A Powerful Solution-Multiplier

Localization grounds economics in reality 

In contrast with the make-believe of derivatives and debt-based money, localization is founded in real productivity for genuine human needs, with respect for the rich diversity of cultures and ecosystems worldwide. 

Localization reduces our ecological footprint 

By shortening the distance between production and consumption, localization minimizes transport, packaging, and processing — thereby cutting down on waste, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Localization provides fuller employment 

Localized economies rely more on human labor and creativity and less on energy - intensive technological systems. This increases the number of jobs while reducing the use of natural resources. 

Localization strengthens democracy 

By spreading economic and political power among millions of individuals and small businesses rather than a handful of corporate monopolies, localization revitalizes the democratic process. 

Localization rebuilds community and increases wellbeing 

As the scale and pace of economic activity are reduced, anonymity gives way to face-to-face relationships and a closer connection to Nature. This in turn leads to a more secure sense of personal and cultural identity.  Credit - Stefano Boeri architect